Tag Archives: amd

List of AMD Fusion Brazos: Zacate/Ontario Notebooks and Motherboards

Update 2011.Sep.8th very nice new AMD systems from MSI and HP released, they may make for nice budget poor-man-ultrabooks 🙂 Newegg.com – MSI X Series X370-206US Notebook AMD Dual-Core Processor E-450(1.65GHz) 13.4″ 4GB Memory DDR3 500GB HDD 7200rpm AMD Radeon HD 6320http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152288&nm_mc=AFC-C8Junction&cm_mmc=AFC-C8Junction-_-Notebooks-_-MSI-_-34152288&AID=10440897&PID=4095568&SID=Newegg.com – A great place to buy computers, computer parts, electronics, software, accessories, and DVDs online. With great prices, fast shipping, and top-rated customer service… HP Pavilion dm1 refreshed: pricing, release date, pictures, and hands-on preview | This is

Raon Digital EVERUN UMPC S60H

As part of my bought and sold series of blog entries, here is a copy of my eBay auction for the the Raon Digital UMPC S60H Ultra Mobile Personal Computer. This was truly a cool little mini-tablet way before iPads were all the rage 🙂 Raon Digital EVERUN UMPC S60H The EVERUN features the “classical” UMPC look, with the keyboard and control options placed on both sides of the 4.8-inch LCD display, which has a resolution 800 x 480 pixels. Moreover,

3.1GHz Quad Core System on the Cheap: $200

The need for cheap speed! Yesterday I read a nice little article over at Anandtech about unlocking the extra two cores in AMD Phenom II X2 555 CPUs. This lets you take a  dual core CPU and turn it into a quad core CPU*. *The extra two cores aren’t guaranteed to unlock and be 100% reliable, but it’s easy to stress test and see if your particular CPU can handle it. Reading other people’s experiences it looks like the success

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