Category Archives: money tips

Show a deposited check image on [SOLVED]

To show the actual image of a check deposited in your Chase account, the steps are as follows: Login to your Chase account View e account activity for the specific account the check was deposited in Search for the check if necessary After you find the transaction, click view ‘Deposit Details’ While viewing ‘Deposit Details’, click the small ‘See’ link below the ‘Action’ heading After you click ‘See’ you will be presented with the check image if available: Top Search

Update Quicken 2015 to R5 for taxes

Quicken has recently (3/24/2015) released their version R5 patch for Quicken 2015. If you like to have all your financial software up to date while doing taxes, you may want to backup and then perform the upgrade! There are a couple ways you can update, you can find info on both below. #1 Perform a “One Step Update” from the Tools menu in the application, after the update completes it should show you a notice about the new update: After

Treasury Direct 1099-B

Recently TreasuryDirect has been posting 1099-B forms in their online tax documents for TIPS holders. These forms can be a bit perplexing for people that never sell their TIPS but rather just hold on to them until maturity. Specifically, TreasuryDirect neglects to include the majority of the information the IRS requests. I have been putting together some notes on how to properly file the 1099-B’s, but for now here are some other resources on the topic: Treasury Direct 1099-B Direct

CLOSE Lowe’s credit card account [SOLVED]

Here are the steps to close your Lowe’s credit card account: #1 Login to LOWE’S online credit card account link #2 Go to Account Services -> Close Account #3 Request Closure #4 Provide feedback (optional) #5 Account Close Confirmation Success closing your Lowe’s account! 🙂 Top Search Terms:how to close a lowes credit card (6)how to cancel lowe's credit card (5)how to close lowes credit card (5) (5)lowe\'s credit card login (4)how to cancel a lowes credit card (4)cancel lowes credit

Oil and gas lease clauses

Here are some sample oil and gas lease clauses that I found to be helpful as a mineral owner: NO WARRANTY This lease is made by Lessor without warranty of title, either express or implied, except as to conveyance or encumbrances by, through, or under Lessor, but not otherwise. NO DEDUCTIONS It is agreed between the Lessor and Lessee that, notwithstanding any language herein to the contrary, all oil, gas or other proceeds accruing to the Lessor under this lease

Lowe’s rebate submission help: Invoice # / Dept # [SOLVED]

Lowe’s online rebate submission process asks for four items, a couple of which can be difficult to find for online orders: Sales Date Location # Invoice # Dept # Here is some help:   I hope this helps! 🙂 PS Please note it can take 10 days before your rebate submission is trackable in their ‘rebate status’ section of their site. Top Search Terms:lowes department number for rebates (32)lowe\'s online rebate submission (23)lowe\'s appliance department number (23)lowes paint department number

Create PayPal subscription buttons [SOLVED]

Since PayPal came up with their new ‘streamlined’ interface, it seems to have made some core features very difficult to find 🙁 A prime instance is the subscription buttons and links. These tools are very useful for webmasters and anyone offering recurring services online. Here is how to find the subscription tools: #1 Login to PayPal: #2 Go to the ‘Buttons for subscriptions and recurring billing‘ page #3 Click ‘Create your button now‘ (you must be logged in for

AT&T mobile insurance vs AT&T mobile protection pack

If you are buying a phone from AT&T online, you will likely be prompted to choose one of the following: My question was: what exactly is the difference between “mobile insurance” and “mobile protection pack”. The answer is, not much. Specifically, the “protection pack” adds: “personalized technical support; and an app to find your device.” The insurance is the exact same that you can get for $3 less if you choose only the insurance. What is surprising is that many phone manufacturers

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