PHP image scraping links and image search APIs
Some links that were useful for a recent project:
How to Optimize Your Images for Google Image Search truth here is that you can start ranking today for competitive keywords in a slightly different environment—Google image search.
Scrape Google Images Search Results With PHP — 5ubliminal’s 5pace could use the Ajax Search but I think it will return very few results unlike regular image search which returns 21 images per request. The previous PHP script I published (on…
The Future of the Web » Easy web scraping with PHP » Web Development with JavaScript, jQuery, PHP and MySQL scraping is a technique of web development where you load a web page and “scrape” the data off the page to be used elsewhere. It’s not pretty, but sometimes scraping is the…
Bing API PHP Library DescriptionSimple PHP library for API // Include the Bing API PHP Library require_once ‘library/BingAPI.php’; // Simply start the class with your AppID…
Note: please make sure to abide by a site’s Terms of Service when using any APIs or scraping techniques.