How to get a refund from FileSonic

FileSonic recently totally changed their service, eliminating many of of their most fundamental features. One of the most glaring removals:Ā the ability to share a file is no longer supported.

If you recently signed up for a FileSonic premium account or you paid for a lifetime account, you may want to seek a refundĀ from FileSonic.

After contacting FileSonic, they sent these instructions on how to obtain a FileSonic refund:

Ticket #246999: Refund

Your request (#246999) has been resolved.

From Carm at FileSonic, Jan 25 01:14 pm (EST):


Thank you for your email. Please read through each of our help topics below carefully.


Download problems:

All sharing functionality on FileSonic is now disabled. Users can only download files that they have personally uploaded.


Affiliate program, earnings, statistics & payouts:

FileSonic no longer has an affiliate program and is no longer providing affiliate support. Users will not have access to view their dashboard, statistics, etc.


Refunds and Cancellations:

If you wish to cancel your subscription, you may do so through the payment processor (Paypal, Credit card, Segpay, Alertpay or CCBill) you initially used to pay for your premium account.
******* Paypal ****************
If you have paid through PayPal please login into your PayPal account, find your transaction ID, view the recurring details and you will be able to cancel through there.
******* Credit Card ***************
If you have paid with credit card, you can cancel your recurring subscription using this link: Select credit card from the drop down menu and enter the required information. If you were receiving an application error previously, this has now been fixed.
******* Segpay ***************
If you have paid through Segpay please cancel at this link:
******* Alertpay **************
If you have paid through Alertpay, you may cancel your subscription by following these steps:
1. Login to your AlertPay account.
2. Click on “Profile”.
3. Under “Financial”, select “Subscriptions”.
4. Select “Subscriptions Purchased” and find the subscription you wish to cancel. You can search by name, reference number or sellerā€™s email address.
5. Select the subscription, click “Cancel”, then “Next”.
6. Review details and click on “Finish”.
******* CCBill **************
If you have paid through CCBill, please cancel at this link:

Thank you,
FileSonic Helpdesk

Is a refund reasonable?

This is really a matter of opinion. There are a number of people in fairly justifiable situation. Some signed up for a premium account the day before FileSonic changed. Others recentlyĀ purchasedĀ a lifetime account which is no longer useful to them. If you paid for features that are no longer offered by the service, then a refund may be reasonable.

On the other hand, if you have already gotten your money’s worth out of FileSonic’s service then it makes little sense to try to get a refund IMHO.

Just my 2 cents on the topic, your opinion on the topic is just as valid as mine šŸ™‚

I hope this helps

I hope this info help you if you need help getting a refund from Filesonic. Best of luck to you!

Related forum threads:

Filesonic Has Shut Down All Sharing!, just came to that wonderful realisation myself… Filesonic was by far my personal favourite… and I had months of premium left… FFS! Guess we’re all going deepā€¦
-How to Request refund from paypal for Fileserve, Filesonic ? For recent subscribers – Page 5 here, but i don’t get this: “We have to debit the reversal amount as well as a 5 EUR processing fee from your PayPal account.” What does this mean? […] Submitted 2 tickets to filesonic helpdesk on the 22nd , but never got a reply until a filed a claim on paypal this morning. Paypal sent me a refund after an hour. Then 3 hoursā€¦



  • Kappa

    FYI, I have tried to cancel my 20-ish days old One Year Premium account (paid by credit card) using the info provided, but received ā€“ ā€œNo Credit Card subscription found ā€“ Sorry, we were not able to cancel your subscription.ā€ ā€“ in reply. Now what?

    Still, I am not amongst the ā€œBurn ā€˜em at the stakeā€ bunch, it was a jolly good ride while it lasted and, with any luck (should the reason prevail), it could be again in the future.


    • Hi Kappa, thank you for your comment and I am sorry to hear about the refund problem!

      Unless you are 100% sure which credit card processor was used for your FileSonic subscription, may I suggest that you try BOTH of them:

      Assuming you know it was one or the other, or you have tried both, may I also suggest trying all of the different verification options (email address, purchase id, transaction # etc.) on the subscription lookup form.

      If all of that fails you may want to contact SegPay at:
      Phone for US and Canadian Residents: 1-866-450-4000

      Or, ccbill at:
      Phone: 1.888.596.9279
      Fax: 480.449.8820
      24 hrs, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

      I hope this helps you Kappa and that your problem is resolved, please let me know how it turns out!

      Best regards,

  • jer

    This doesn’t say anything about refunds. Only shows how to cancel a subscription.

    • Hello Jer,
      Thank you for your comment. Unfortunately, when you request a refund from FileSonic, this is the information their “support team” will send to you (as of last week). I apologize if it is not helpful to you.

      You can also file a dispute with PayPal. Some FileSonic users have had success with that route, but it generally only works if the transaction was within the past 45 days (so lifetime subscribers that signed up more than 45 days ago may be out of luck).

      Best regards,

  • vellak

    hi thanks for the info.i purchased the premium of FS for the first time and used it for only do i get refund of my money.i paid thruu credit card.can i stop the payment? secondly this FS may take the other form or other name in few days and start cheating do i find out that.thanks

    • Hi Vellak, thank you for your comment.

      You may want to check your credit card’s recent activity report, because if it has been 4+ days then it is likely the transaction has already gone through.

      If so, you may want to contact the biller (CCBill, or SegPay etc.) and see if they can offer you a refund for the transaction, they can also make sure that your purchase will not reoccur.

      If the CC biller cwill not help with your refund, then you can also contact your credit card company and request a refund via them, here are some links on the topic:
      Normally your credit card company’s contact # is on the back of your card. Or you can often contact them online through their secure websites.

      Finally, you raise a very good point about being aware of companies that cancel services on one site, ripping off their customers and then switching to another name just to repeat the process. However, FileSonic seems to be very wary after the Megaupload takedown/arrests. Personally I doubt they will take another form/name since the seem very risk averse.

      This is a difficult topic and I am sorry to not be able to offer an easier or more sure method. However, I do hope this info is of some help some and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors šŸ™‚

      Best regards,

  • TheRock30

    I just renewed my 1 year premium in Jan just before they stopped the filesharing. Went through their website and got the usual generic email and runaround so I called my credit card company and filed it as a dispute – they said they could see the website no longer works and credited my account. They had to launch an investigation as procedure but the guy said I would have no problem getting my money back.

  • Pooyan

    I spend sometime contacting diffrent parties to cancel and ask for a refund on my 29 days old annual subscription .

    Simply , if you have paied through PayPal within last 45 days , u get a refund as I did. Otherwise if 45 days passed or u have paied via any other payment systems you may only stop recurring charges of subscription. This means if u are on a monthly payment (auto renew) you can cancel this. No refund of already paid fees.

    • Hi Pooyan, thank you for the additional info! From what I have encountered and read since originally posting this article, I believe your findings to be correct.

      Best regards,

  • fatih

    is there a way that a lifetime user can get refund?i paid with was on 45 day timeline passed?helpdesk give copy-paste answers to me..

    • Hi Faith,
      Thank you for your message. Unfortunately PayPal has been entirely unresponsive in this area. Even though many users have legitimate claims, PayPal appears to be denying them all and relying on their arbitrary 45 day limit.

      This type of non-responsive arbitrary, and potentially illegal, activity appears to be ripe for a class action lawsuit against PayPal, similar to the one that was started around 2004 and was settled around 2006: ‘In Re PayPal Litigation class action lawsuit’ (snopes link here).

      NOTE: you could also report your issue with PayPal to the better business bureau.

      I am sorry to not have better answers for you Faith, but if I hear of ANYONE being treated fairly by PayPal in this matter (lifetime memberships, that were purchased > 45 days) then I will let you know ASAP.

      Best regards,

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