Friends as Phones

A long time ago I wrote a blog entry entitled “Friends as Food” in which I anthropomorphised various foods to match my friends, or was it vice versa? Regardless, after watching the Cell Phone Reuninon video it made me think about friends and phones.

(Thankfully my friends that have iPhones are nothing like the iPhone character in the video!)

Sometime I would like to do a real Friends as Phones entry where I figure out what phones best match my friends, but for now I thought it would be interesting (and less time intensive) to list the phones that some of my friends use… Without further ado:

I’m not very knowledgable of phone models, so I’m going to try to do some checking and find out more of the phones that my friends use. If you read this and want to add yourself and your phone to the list, make sure to comment!


  • I currently have a Samsung BlackJack and Neil has a new 3G iPhone. We’re definately smart phone addicted.

  • Still using (3 years now) the Motorola Razr V3C on the Verizon network. I’ve been up for contract renewal/”free” new phone for over a year now, still haven’t seen anything new that I really like (maybe something on the android platform will make it to VZW).

  • Hi J.D., as you know, I’m a big fan of your adventures. Particularly intriguing is your mention of retrieving a sailboat from a desert whilst being shot at by “Indians”. Do you have a blog post about it hidden anywhere? What happened to the boat?

  • JD

    Uncle Harley, I must defer to Jesse as he has a certain knack for the telling of this story. Just ask any of the fellas that attended my bachelor party weekend and they will immediately recall Jesse’s telling of this particular story ;-).

  • Ronnie

    An iPhone for me….

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