Extract high-res satellite imagery from Google maps
Here are some articles about, and frameworks for, the Google static maps API:
Google Static Maps V2 | Fat-Free Framework for PHPhttp://fatfreeframework.com/google-static-mapsThe Google Static Maps class provides a simple way to embed a Google Maps image on your web page without requiring JavaScript or any dynamic page loading.
Generating Static Images of Google Maps – PHP articles, tutorials and screencasts – PHP 5, MySQL, PostgreSQL, AJAX, Web 2.0http://www.phpriot.com/articles/static-google-mapsOne useful feature of Google Maps is the ability to generate a static image of any longitude and latitude that you desire, as opposed to using the normal JavaScript-based interactive map. In this…
phpgmapsstaticmap – PHP GMapsStaticMap is a class used to easily generate static Google Maps – Google Project Hostinghttps://code.google.com/p/phpgmapsstaticmap/The option also exists to use caching to help circumvent the 1000 unique requests a day limit that Google has on the API.
I need to check the TOS for Google Maps, but it would be very nice (if it is allowed) to use the static map feature to combine a few low res images/maps into a larger version (i.e. 2560×1600 or so).
PS here are a few other miscellaneous Google Maps related articles:
Tutorial: Extracting Urban Areas in Google Maps Aerial Imageshttps://clouard.users.greyc.fr/Pantheon/experiments/urbanarea-extraction/index-en.htmlThe objective is to extract urban areas in aerial images captured from Google Maps by a simple screenshot. The images given as examples are located in the region of Creully in Lower-Normandy…
Kerouac’s On the Road followed on the road via Google Maps | Books | theguardian.comhttp://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/feb/17/kerouac-on-the-road-google-maps“The air was soft, the stars so fine, the promise of every cobbled alley so great, that I thought I was in a dream,” wrote Jack Kerouac, famously, in On the Road. “Head northwest on W 47th St toward…