Roofing drawings and modeling using Google Sketchup
Today I started the order for some new roofing for our house. Here are some of the drawings I made in Google Sketchup. These were what I used for calculating how much roofing to order:
Top view:
Overall, Sketchup made it nice and easy to produce “good enough” drawings for my purposes :-).
Nice work! If you ever need anything in CAD let me know. I use it every single day….
Thanks Ronnie! It was bringing back memories of drafting in Bob Frank’s class :-).
Played basketball with Toby, Preston M., and some of the other fellas tonight. We still need to meetup the next time you’re down here or we’re near KC!
These drawings are nice. Google Sketchup should be very useful for making new paper crafts.
Thanks J.D. I will try it!
I think that the roofing is very hard to calculate the style of the roof. Because there are a lot of design of the roof. But the using the google sketch up you easily design on it. Thank you for the idea.