Cancel OnStar Service [HOWTO]

If you need to cancel your OnStar service, you will need to do it by phone or via the dedicated OnStar button in your vehicle. Sadly, OnStar does not allow you to cancel online 🙁

Their specific cancellation policy is as follows:

If at any time you wish to cancel your OnStar service, press your blue button to speak with an Advisor or call 1.888.4.ONSTAR (1.888.466.7827). Cancelling your service cannot be done online.



Source: OnStar Help & Support

When you call to cancel they may offer you a special 6-month loyalty rate. In my case, the normal emergency OnStar rate was $24.99 and the loyalty rate was $18.99 (a $6 discount). This also includes towing, spare tire changing, bringing a spare tire (if needed), battery charging/jumping, etc.

However, many other services/offers may already provide you with those types of roadside. To me, the most valuable service OnStar provides is automatic calling during an accident. I also like the monthly email status reports as they serve as an automatic mileage report. Of course there are certainly people who do not need or want such services. In which case I recommend calling 1-888-466-7827

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