ASUS Sabertooth P67 back panel port selection
The Sabertooth P67 has the following ports on its back panel assembly:
- a PS/2 keyboard/mouse combo-port
- 8 USB 2.0 ports, from left to right: 2 black (below ps/2 connector), 2 red (above eSATA connector), 2 black (by themselves), 2 black (above firewire and green eSATA)
- 1 FireWire IEEE 1394 port
- 2 USB 3.0 ports (blue colored USB 3.0 style ports)
- 1 Intel GigE Ethernet port
- 2 e-SATA ports (red and green colored ports)
- and 6 analogue and S/PDIF optical audio output ports.
So after checking the manual I learned that those two red ports I was wondering about are not actually some powered SATA/eSATA variant, instead they are just plain old USB 2 ports that happen to be red!