Tag Archives: scansnap

ScanSnap internal error occurred 0x1001 (s300, ix500, etc.) [SOLVED]

Are you getting a ScanSnap internal error occurred 0x1001 error message? After months of trouble free usage when saving to folder, I had that error pop-upĀ šŸ™ Thankfully, I did the following steps and everything is back to normal: How to fix the error #1 Try to save to Google Drive or one of the other options and verify that you canĀ complete the save (I was able to save to Google Drive) and this means the scanner is working properly #2

Fix Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 scanner power problem [SOLVED!]

Q. Hiya. I have a Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 scanner for my Mac and it will not power on šŸ™ I checked the power supply and it is a really expensive scanner, do you know how I could go about repairing it so it will power on again? -Shirley Barnes A. Hi Shirley! I know something you can try. I have the same ScanSnap ix500 for my PC and the scanner has a small button/switch that is normally recessed, but it

Fixed skewed pages in ScanSnap

I adore my Fujitsu ScanSnap ix500 scanner. It lets me scan 70+ pages with ease (simplex or duplex) all the while OCRing every shred of text and therefore saving me oodles of time. Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 Scanner for PC and Machttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ATZ9QMOAwesome scanner which I really love. Easy to install and works seamlessly on my Windows 8 laptop. I use this all the time to scan and archive all the papers in my house and the… Read more However, today I