Tag Archives: rich snippets

Rich snippets in Google and WordPress using GD Star Rating

[this post needs to be reformatted and elaborated on, but for now here are the links that helped me get both AUTHOR and RATING rich snippets working on my blog :-)] VERY nice info on configuring GD Star Rating http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/add-rich-snippets-reviews-wordpress-blog/ Good general overview of the task at hand and all the related info http://yoast.com/rich-snippets-everywhere/ http://www.sakthiganesh.com/integrating-google-rich-snippets-wordpress http://wpprobusiness.com/4390/add-rich-snippets-wordpress/ How to test to see if your rich snippets are formatted correctly and visible to Google http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets