Tag Archives: nikon

The “best” camera, 2017 edition

Preface: the “best” camera most certainly depends on the needs of the photographer… with that being said, here are some very good cameras that I immensely enjoy using. During the past month, for work projects and for personal enjoyment, I have been very fortunate to use the following cameras extensively: Sony RX1 mirrorless, full frame Nikon D750 DSLR, full frame Olympus E-M10 mirrorless, four thirds sensor Olympus TG-4 Tough rugged camera, 1/2.3 inch sensor Three of them fall into the “best of

Best cheap FX lenses

I use a variety of FX lenses on my Nikon D750. My favorite lenses are the “bargain” lenses, i.e. the lenses that cost less than a couple hundred dollars but that are fun to shoot with. Here are some of the best cheap FX lenses to pair with a D750, the D610 and the D810. All these lenses are available for $400 or less in one form of another (some new, some used) and most are in the $100-$200 range. Nikon

Supermoon photo

Here is a photo I took of the “Supermoon” tonight: Camera: Nikon D7000 Lens: Nikkor 28-300mm It was a very beautiful moon! I rate it 5/5 stars 😉 Top Search Terms:supermoon 1980 (3)super photos with nikon d7000 (2)super moon photography tips (1)super moon it\'s a trick for objectives of camera (1)super moon in hawaii 1980s (1)super moon 1980's (1)super moom 1980 (1)nikkor lenses to photograph super moon (1)jdhodges.com (1)supermoon returns in 5 may 2012 foto (1)

35mm vs 50mm Nikon DX lenses! (and telephoto too)

Question from longtime friend RW: Hey JD, I’m settling in with the Nikon D5100 and have been using the 18-55mm kit lens to get a feel for using the camera, and I think I am ready to upgrade and buy 1-2 more lenses and wanted to get your opinion. First I am looking at a decent portrait lens for snapping shots of the little one when she arrives and am either going with a 35mm or 50mm. I am kind of

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