Tag Archives: hotspot

AT&T Unite Pro admin password login [SOLVED]

If you are trying to access the settings page on an AT&T Unite Pro wifi hotspot, you may need the following default password: attadmin šŸ™‚ Top Search Terms:at (247)att unite pro admin (62)att unite att admin (54)att unite pro admin login (44)attunite admin login (29)attunite admin page (26)attunite/login (20)att unite pro login (18)attunite homepage (10)attunitepro (10)

We’re sorry, but you are attempting this transaction during a restricted time period set by your wireless account

If you get an error message like this: We’re sorry, but you are attempting this transaction during a restricted time period set by your wireless account owner. http://redirect.ac.sl.attcompute.com/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi Then my suggestion is to restart your phone or reboot your wifi hotspot. That will likely resolve the issue for you šŸ™‚ Top Search Terms:http://redirect.ac.sl.attcompute.com/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi (6)redirect.ac.sl.attcompute.com (3)http://redirect.ac.sl.attcompute.com/cgi-bin/redirect.cgi?msg=2 (2)we're sorry, but your message could not be delivered because you are in a restricted time period set by your wireless account owner. (2)redirect.ac.sl.attcompute.com/ (2)data

Verizon Double Data plan ANSWERS

I had some questions about the Verizon ‘Double Data’ promotion they are currently running. Here is the chat transcript of the questions I asked the Verizon representative. I hope these answers are helpful to you if you have similar questions about their data planĀ promotion šŸ™‚ Please hold for a Verizon Wireless sales representative to assist you with your order. Thank you for your patience. You are now chatting with ‘Stephanie R. ‘ Stephanie R. :Ā Hello. Thank you for visiting our

Android WiFi Hotspot Configuration

NOTE: these screenshots show the settings pages for Android’s cool wifi hotspot feature. These screens should apply to any Android phone running Gingerbread with wifi hotspot functionality enabled. Ā These steps do NOT apply to the latest VirginĀ MobileĀ LG phones, which unfortunately have this feature disabled šŸ™ The photos show aĀ LG Optimus V that shipped with the wifi hostpot feature available (once enabled by the QuickSettings app [available in the Android Market]). Top Search Terms:android wifi hotspot (7)gingerbread wifi hotspot (3)android hotspot

Virgin Mobile LG Optimus V wifi hotspot tethering [2.2.2]

When the LG Optimus V was released by Virgin Mobile it was very easy to enable the wifi hotspot feature. However, recent version of the phone featuring Ā 2.2.2 have disabled this feature! šŸ™ Thankfully, there are still some options out there (PDAnet probably being the best one). Klink and “wifi tether” are a couple more I am researching. Rooting your phone is always an option too. I want to write a more detailed entry on the topic, but here are