Tag Archives: analytics

Link AdSense with Google Analytics [HOWTO]

One of my favorite features of Google Analytics is the ability to see which web pages are generating the most AdSense revenue. However, before this option is enabled for reporting, you must link your two accounts: AdSense -> Admin -> Property -> AdSense Linking After you click that link and complete the steps, you should have a plethora of new AdSense data to look through! 🙂

Google Analytics and site visitor IP addresses

A buddy sent me an email today saying that he had a bunch of simultaneous visitors to his work’s website today. All the visitors were from Seattle and he wanted to know if they were legit or not. How did he know they were from Seattle? Google Analytics told him so*. I suggested that we reverse DNS their IP addresses to see what their company (or at least their ISP). He told me he didn’t know how to find their