Huggies Pure and Natural Diapers (size 3) Out of Stock!
We’ve been surprised that almost every store, both online and brick/mortar, is out of Huggies Pure and Natural Size 3 diapers. Thankfully, our little girl can wear size 4 now but it’s still a little bit weird. What is up Huggies?
I first noticed something weird when our scheduled “subscription” (recurring) order of diapers from Amazon was delayed. Then I asked our good friend Caitlin to pick some up from Target, little did I know that she would check at least 3 times and every time they were out (thanks for trying Caitlin!). This out of stock experience was repeated other places too. Very weird!
Must be some sort of diaper conspiracy. I wonder if there is a black market selling nothing but Huggies Pure and Natural Size 3 diapers?
Yes, yes I think there must be just such a conspiracy… hey if it can happen for formula it can happen for diapers, right? 😉