Crazy cool bathroom!
Samantha and I are planning our new home, with the help of our good friend and architect John Odom. Along those lines today I came across a pretty crazy bathroom idea:
An exhilarating bathroom experience awaits you. Bathroom Vanities Blog » Read more!
Idon’t think we will be doing anything quite so crazy in our houseplan, but it is pretty darn cool 🙂
PS this bathroom actually reminds me of some of the insane bathrooms in old Colorado mining buildings, where they would build a platform off the side of a mountain cliff… when you sat on the toilet it could literally be a thousand foot drop off below you!
I think I might be afraid to go!
I can understand your concern Rex!
Best regards,
Nothing like a bout of acrophobia with your “visit.”
True. Maybe it could be good therapy? Probably not… 😉