Cooler temperatures at night
Notes from the farm: updates about daily life out in the woods and off the grid.
This has been a hot summer with a number of dry spells. Thankfully the rains have been just frequent enough to keep things green around the farm. Likewise, the nights have generally been cool enough to be comfortable. Only a few nights has it stayed above 80.
The past two nights have been even better, quickly dipping into the 60s and getting all the way down to 59. We open all of our windows and keep a couple air inlet fans going. It cools the house down nicely and in the morning we close all the windows and the house stays very comfortable well into the afternoon, at which point we may turn on the air conditioner (which runs off of electricity generated by our solar panels).
I have truly enjoyed this summer but I am loving these cool temperatures at night and I am very excited about fall!