Q. Thank you for the recommendation to install Akismet on my Weblogs.us blog. It has worked to prevent spam on my blog. I also saw there is an Akismet privacy policy plugin? -P
A. Glad you are enjoying the anti-spam plugin! As for the privacy policy plugin, I had actually never heard of it before you emailed. After some research it appears to generally be geared toward bloggers in Germany, as apparently Akismet (probably due to the way it tests comment content and personal info [name & email address] against a list of known spammers) could be considered to infringe on a commenter’s privacy. Thus,  someone made a plugin to help bloggers generate a privacy policy to be compliant by notifying their readers/commenters. That is my understanding at least. 🙂
More related privacy policy plugins and links:
WordPress › Akismet Privacy Policies « WordPress Pluginshttp://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/akismet-privacy-policies/Akismet Privacy Policies Ergänzt das Kommentarformular um datenschutzrechtliche Hinweise bei Nutzung des Plugins Akismet. Description Installation FAQ Screenshots Changelog…
WordPress Privacy Policy Pluginhttp://www.blog.web6.org/wordpress-privacy-policy-plugin/If you have a website, it is very common that you should add a privacy policy page you can either do it manually or using privacy policy plugin, if you use WordPress.
“Akismet Privacy Policies” – Rechtssichere Spamabwehr in WordPress | SCHWENKE & DRAMBURG Rechtsanwälte Berlinhttp://spreerecht.de/datenschutz/2011-05/mit-akismet-privacy-policies-plugin-spamabwehr-in-wordpress-rechtssicher-machenVerschlagwortet mit akismet, Akismet Privacy Policies, anti spam, ausland, auttomatic, bdsg, Blog, bloggen, checkbox, Daten, einwilligung, Kommentare, kontrollbox, opt-in,…