Regenerate thumbnails error on WordPress [SOLVED]

Recently I switched to a new WordPress theme and subsequently encountered some image thumbnail issues. Here is the specific error I received when regenerating thumbnails: function (){if(l){var t=l.length;(function i(t){x.each(t,function(t,n){var r=x.type(n);”function”===r?e.unique&&p.has(n)||l.push(n):n&&n.length&&”string”!==r&&i(n)})})(arguments),n?o=l.length:r&&(s=t,c(r))}return this} This was particularly frustrating, because if a custom size is not available then WordPress will use the FULL size image even for thumbnails. This of course results in slow page times and wasted bandwidth 🙁 The solution Thankfully, after a little checking it appeared to be a simple permissions