Tag Archives: table

Keep formatting in Excel when copying/pasting from web page

Question from B.G.: Sorry to bother. How can I export and keep the integrity of the web page table columns? When I copy and paste to excel, it puts all data to 1 row. Answer:  Good question! Please find the steps below: Instructions In your web browser window showing the table/report, press CTRL+A (to select all) Then press CTRL+C (to copy) Switch to a blank spreadsheet in Excel, press CTRL+V (to paste) That should result in a nice separate set of

How to dump specific tables using mysqldump?

I had forgotten how to dump a specific table using mysqldumb (normally I just dump the entire DB) but thankfully RolandoMySQLDBA had the simple answer! Thanks for the help 🙂 “If you are dumping tables t1, t2, and t3 from mydb” mysqldump -u… -p… mydb t1 t2 t3 > mydb_tables.sql via mysql – How do you mysqldump specific table(s)? – Database Administrators. Rating 5/5 stars, easy and intuitive!