Tag Archives: promo code

Catching up to DraftKings, promo code

So just to tell you how out of the loop I am when it comes to TV and sports these days, the first time I heard about DraftKings and FanDuel…Ā was on a news article about how they were spending upwards ofĀ $150,000,000.00 on advertisingĀ ($150 million). Other sites peg spending for the foreseeable futureĀ at closer toĀ $250 million. Those figures definitely piqued my interest, and thankfully a visit to my in-laws and a vacation to Yellowstone provided enough TV viewing in homes and

Elfa walk in closet (with 25% discount coupon) 2016

Elfa has some wonderful closet designs, but they can be very expensive. Thankfully there are easy ways to save 15%-30% on Elfa closets! šŸ™‚ Click below or post in the comments section to find out how: NOTE:Ā if you are looking for a less expensive closet solution, there are some viable optionsĀ out there: Configurations Custom Closet Organizer, Deluxe, 4 to 8 Foot, Titaniumhttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0009WG328/Make the most of your closet space with the adjustable and customizable Configurations Closet system. This system is easy

Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm Pre-Order & Release Date

Here is a bit of SC2 Heart of the Swarm news and a nice pre-order coupon code! #1 The beta has begun:-) Heart of the Swarm Beta Now Live! – StarCraft IIhttp://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/7157306The Heart of the Swarm beta test has begun! This multiplayer-only test will initially be limited to a select group of pro-gamers, members of the press, Arcade contest winners,ā€¦ #2 Pre-Orders are now available! (and coupon code discount) Amazon.com: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm: Video Gameshttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002I0KP4G?ie=UTF8&tag=pixensity-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B002I0KP4GShop by Department