SOLUTION to Dreamweaver problem: The document you selected is very large and would take too long to import

Question. I’m trying to paste a large Word document (or even copied web pages out of Firefox) into Dreamweaver and I get the following error: “The document you selected is very large and would take too long to import. We recommend you use Copy and Paste to insert parts of the document into multiple web pages.” Answer. Edit the Dreamweaver file InsertOfficeDoc.js to adjust the file size threshold upwards. After editing that file and restarting Dreamweaver, you should be able

Weekend home alone

Samantha is visiting family in Bolivar this weekend. That leaves me home alone and up to my own devices. Friday was mainly computer work. Today was mainly remodeling work. Sunday will be some finishing work and clean up; I also need to do some enhancements that John requested for his site. That will complete the weekend :-). Then I’ll be looking forward to Samantha getting home. We don’t have too much pre-planned for the week. However, we always seem to

Choosing a system: Nikon D90 vs. Olympus E-620

The ever-wonderful Jes is in the market for a new DSLR! She sold her entry level Canon DSLR and is ready to move up to the heavy-hitting power of a Nikon D90 (or similar). So Many Choices! Anytime a friend is considering a new camera purchase, it always gets me thinking about the different DSLR systems. Here is are just a few: Canon (full frame, non-full frame), Nikon (FX, DX), Sony (full frame, non-full frame), Olympus (four thirds, micro four

Building a PHP and MySQL search function

I’ve been working on the search feature of komparison. Specifically, making sure multi-word searches like peanut butter crackers work well. Let’s say we have some a food item stored as Crackers, wheat, sandwich, with peanut butter filling and the user searches for peanut butter crackers. If the search is coded simplistically  like: SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE some_field LIKE ‘%peanut butter crackers%’ or: SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE some_field LIKE ‘%peanut%butter%crackers%’ Then we won’t get any results because the ordering

A milestone for our solar powered home

2009.09.04 updated with URLs for equipment (see bottom of post) Since we’ve been married, Samantha and I have lived off the grid. We don’t have any utility bills and we haven’t had a single power outage. However, today (September 3rd, 2000) still marks a big day for us in our off the grid living. Because today we connected our new batteries and solar setup to our house. We now have over 30x the electrical storage capacity! Energy during the day

Small tripods

Small tripods (some tiny, some tabletop, some misc.) I’ve been looking for a great travel tripod to use with my Olympus E-P1. So far I haven’t found the perfect match. However, I have found some cool tripod stuff… Sweet looking Leica tripod: Turn a tripod into a laptop/notebook desk: “Table top” tripods One of my favorites: Manfrotto 709B Digi Table Top Tripod with Ball Head Also cool and functional, will probably support quite a bit of weight: Cullmann

Install (or “downgrade”) to Windows XP on Sony VAIO-Z series

It’s that time of year again. Time to reinstall Windows after my laptop has finally succumbed to the mass of programs I’ve installed or evaluated. It’s getting slow, not painfully slow, but slow enough that I crave a clean install. Currently the laptop has Vista on it. Rather than paying for a Windows 7 upgrade, I’m considering “downgrading” to Windows XP. I would have done that a long time ago, as I am not a Vista fan… but at the