Lowepro Transit Sling 250 mini-review link
I am always in the market for a good camera bag, especially if it is compact and easy to travel with. 🙂 That is why this particular article by Derrick Story about the LowePro Transit Sling 250 AW caught my attention:
I want to travel light, have fast access to my equipment, and carry a bag that doesn’t scream “camera gear.” Lately I’ve been packing my OM-D kit in the Lowepro Transit Sling 250 AW ($99) and feeling great, even during extended shoots.
via Lowepro Transit Sling 250 – Light, Tight, and Looking Alright – The Digital Story.
Of course I also enjoy the fact that he shoots with an OM-D! With the advent of capable mirrorless systems it is truly amazing how much photography equipment one can fit into a smallish bag. 🙂