Real world review: the Armstrong Pullup Program

Over the years I’ve tried a variety of pullup programs. The Armstrong Pullup Program is the best of the bunch for me.

Simple, effective and free. You can’t really beat that!

Here are some links to versions of the program:

(links removed b/c they don’t have the original [and best IMHO] version of the program, comment if you need the best version. thx)

If anybody out there would like more info about how the program works and what kind of results can be expected, just let me know in the comments! Also, if anybody needs an iPhone (iOS) or Android app to help with the program then let me know. I’ve been toying with the idea of developing a fitness app for pullups.


  • Rob

    J.D., I’d love a link to the real-deal program you mention. Thanks!

    I also have an iPhone and would love a pullup app for it.

  • nina

    It’s my 6th week on armstrong. I’m so sorry to say that it didn’t help me so far. Before starting I hit the platou and couldnt advance from 8 strict pull ups. I tried adding weight, resting, pyramid, chin ups… Nothing happend. I’m working my butt off with this program, but the only thing I progressed in are push ups. I’m hoping that some progress will happen in next 2 weeks. .. Do you have any advice?

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