Tag Archives: mo

High speed internet when visiting KC & cozy in Springfield MO

Two interesting Airbnb listings: High speed internet (Google Fiber) in Kansas City MO Google Fiber Hacker House Room in Kansas Cityhttps://www.airbnb.com/rooms/841162Perfect opportunity to visit Kansas City and test out your latest app, startup idea or consumer hardware on a gigabit fiber-optic network. We now have a total of 18 ethernet jacks positioned in 7ā€¦ Cozy accommodations in Springfield MO Cozy Camp Cottage in Springfield MOhttps://www.airbnb.com/rooms/741370Small comfortable cottage guest house in the gardens of the main victorian home in the heart

Behind the scenes in Branson MO

Interesting snippet about a recent documentary highlighting Branson performers: Filmmakers AJ Schnack, David Wilson and Nathan Truesdell let us see whatā€™s behind the curtain of all those music shows in a small Ozark town famed for its wholesome image and apple pie performances. […] a chance to get to know the families, the performers, the drama and the reality when the glittering costumes come off. The subjects, including the Presley and Lennon families, are open about their lives on stage

New RCI resort option for Branson MO

If you are looking for an RCI timeshare option in Branson MO, look no further šŸ™‚ Branson’s Nantucket a RCI Gold Crown Resorthttp://www.bransonsnantucket.com/news/branson-mo-rci-gold-crown-resort/RCI and Bransonā€™s Nantucket, LLC today announced that Bransonā€™s Nantucket Resort in Branson, Mo., has affiliated with RCI, the worldwide leader in vacation exchange. As part of this affiliation,ā€¦ Their location overlooks Table Rock Lake and has easy access to Branson for when you want to head into town. Top Search Terms:branson mo. rci goldcrown timeshare condo map

Google Fiber: excellent in theory, disappointing in practice?

My friend Ronnie lives in Overland Park and as such I have been keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that he will get Google Fiber ASAP. Unfortunately, that has not been happening. Google has still not announced availability for Overland Park and beyond that they are not rolling out very fast to the areas they have announced. šŸ™ Ronnie can tell you better than I can, so here is what he had to say: Hey JD.. Google Fiber.. They keep

Winona MO CenturyLink internet speed test results

For people comparing rural DSL to Exede, here are some DSL results from Winona MO: Test Date: Mar 6, 2013 12:41:29 pm Location: Winona, MO Server: Springfield, MO Download: 1207 kbps Upload: 410 kbps Ping: 39 ms External IP: Internal IP: Latitude: 36.99297 Longitude: -91.33641 Overall these results leave quite a bit to be desired, however, CenturyLink does not seem to impose a monthly bandwidth cap (so NetFlix works okay). Therefore, overall rating of 3/5 stars. Top Search

Winona MO is getting a Subway!

Today while checking out at Nu-Way I asked the cashier “what is the new construction south of the Nu-Way Ā parking lot?” HerĀ responseĀ was: aĀ SUBWAYĀ®! Subway is very exciting news for those of us living in or around Winona, as currently there are no franchise fast-food restaurants in town. It is also nice that Subway has many healthy food options and that they have expanded their menu to include a lot more than just sandwiches. šŸ™‚ I believe after the Subway is

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