Enable night light mode on Alexa
If you have an Amazon Alexa device with a light right (most Echo Devices) you can enable a night light skill. Here is the developer’s app info: Alexa Night Light Skill Credit to CNET for the tip:
If you have an Amazon Alexa device with a light right (most Echo Devices) you can enable a night light skill. Here is the developer’s app info: Alexa Night Light Skill Credit to CNET for the tip:
One of the most useful aspects of Alexa’s home automation capabilities, as for turning Christmas lights on and off. Particularly exterior Christmas lights. Alexa in conjunction with TP Link has allowed me to control my Christmas lights from anywhere that I have my phone, or an Alexa enabled device. On cold evenings, or when arriving at the house, it is woot enjoyable to remotely turn the lights on. 👍 My preferred home automation company is TP link. I have had
Question: What does a blinking yellow light on my Amazon Alexa Echo mean? Answer: If your Alexa device starts showing a pulsing yellow light, it means that a message or notification* is waiting for you. To hear your notifications you can say things like: “Alexa, play my messages” or “Alexa, what did I miss?” 🙂 *NOTE: if you have not enabled messaging, it could be the new package notification feature… you can also check your notifications by saying “Alexa, what are my
Amazon has some fairly sleek packaging for the Echo: Even more minimalist than Apple’s packaging. It seems Amazon wants Alexa to be sleeker and sexier than Siri. I would say they are succeeding so far.
These command work to pair, connect and disconnect Alexa to a bluetooth device: Alexa, pair Bluetooth Alexa, disconnect my phone Alexa, connect my phone Using your phone or laptop to send music to Alexa is a very nice way to enjoy music on Amazon’s speaker without having to stream music from Amazon’s services. 🙂