Author Archives: J.D. H.

Open PDF files in different Foxit Reader windows (not tabs) [SOLVED]

Foxit is a very nice PDF reader, however, a few versions back they made a change that is limiting for multiple monitor users. Specifically, PDFs open in separate Foxit tabs rather than their own windows. This can make it tough to compare two documents side-by-side etc. Thankfully, there is an easy fix to allow multiple Foxit PDF windows: File -> Preferences -> Documents -> Check the “Allow Multiple Instances” box -> Click OK That is all there is to it!

Stop Foxit Reader from opening the “start” tab [SOLVED]

Foxit is a nice PDF reader, but they recently made some changes that I find annoying. Primarily the new “Start” tab that opens every time you open a document 🙁 Thankfully, the start tab is easily disabled in Foxit Reader: File -> Preferences -> General -> uncheck Show Start Page I also like to disable the advertisement: File -> Preferences -> General -> uncheck Show Advertisement 🙂 Top Search Terms:stop foxit reader from opening (2)how to remove foxit start at

Best Samsung Galaxy S6 screen protector

UPDATE: new screen protectors are now on the market, with great new features and even better warranties. We are currently testing the new contenders are will be updating our review. Until the new screen protector testing is completed, here is our original review winner:   We recently spent a week testing to find the best screen protector for the new Galaxy S6. The best overall protector was the amFilm Tempered Glass (Front) and PET (Back) Screen Protector for Samsung Galaxy S6 with

Link AdSense with Google Analytics [HOWTO]

One of my favorite features of Google Analytics is the ability to see which web pages are generating the most AdSense revenue. However, before this option is enabled for reporting, you must link your two accounts: AdSense -> Admin -> Property -> AdSense Linking After you click that link and complete the steps, you should have a plethora of new AdSense data to look through! 🙂 Top Search Terms:jdh analytics (1)

Bitcoin tax issues, accounting and bitcoin inheritance

Bitcoin is one of many “virtual currencies” out there. With its recent rise in popularity it is becoming increasingly more common, however, there are some tax issues that you should be aware of if you are considering purchasing or mining bitcoins: What happens when I sell bitcoins or when I die and my children inherit my bitcoins? The CFO’s Guide to Bitcoin, Part 2: Taxes and Accounting questions don’t always seem to have easy answers. But recent government announcements have

Format FAT32 on 64GB, 128GB, 256GB USB flash drives on Windows

Need to format a > 32GB USB flash drive as FAT32 but Windows won’t let you? No problem, here is a free and safe utility that you can use to format your thumbdrive:   (dl website) More details and background: Recently I needed to format a 64GB USB flash drive as FAT32. This was for use in a Chevrolet vehicle that requires FAT32 and 32K cluster sizes in order to read from high capacity USB flash drive. I ordered a

E-file vs Mailing Taxes – Audit Risk Analysis

E-file vs Paper filing for federal taxes Being a programmer and attorney, e-filing is not an attractive prospect to me: Every year I strive to be as complete and accurate as possible when filing my taxes. However, as a programmer, it is apparent that e-filing makes it immensely easy for the IRS to instantly run validation, algorithms, and analysis on your return with zero human intervention. Once your data is electronically transmitted to the IRS all of your data can be analyzed in

Fix GOM Player distorted sound

If your GOM Player has very distorted/scratchy/popping noise during video playback, then here is a setting you will want to check: Preferences -> Audio -> Audio Effects tab -> Voice Filter -> Disable Setting the audio effects voice filter to ‘None’ resolved the sound issue for me. Previously the ‘cut’ filter had been checked and it was causing some terrible sound issues on certain videos, I am not sure how the checkbox ever got check but it could have been

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