Author Archives: J.D. H.

Can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer mac

If you are using Mac OSX El Capitan, Yosemite, Mavericks or similar, you may encounter the following error: This is of course a very sad message if you know the app is from a reputable source šŸ™ Thankfully, there is an easy fix! Step 1. Go to Finder Step 2. Locate the application you are trying to open In my instance it is Finder -> Applications -> VLC Step 3. Hold down the command button while you right click (option

Prevent iTunes from moving songs when adding to Music Library [SOLVED]

iTunes exhibitsĀ a potentiallyĀ problematic behavior when adding songs. Specifically, when you add songs to an iTunes music library. By default iTunesĀ copies songs to the “iTunes Media folder. This can be rather wasteful as you can end up with a ton of space used by the duplicate media, potentially eatingĀ up a huge chunk ofĀ your SSD/HDD space. šŸ™ Thankfully, this behavior can be adjusted easily. šŸ™‚ Here is the spot to make the change: iTunes -> Preferences -> Advanced

Get Windows Movie Maker for Windows 10

Microsoft’s Windows Movie Maker is a surprisingly useful tool for simple video conversion and re-sizing. While it has not been updated for a number of years, it is still supported in Windows 10. Specifically, Microsoft recommends movie maker version “Windows Movie Maker 2012” for use on Win10. You can download that version directly from Microsoft: dl link NOTE: the onlineĀ installer above seems to beĀ fail periodically when the windows essentials catalog is down.Ā If you get an error likeĀ this: Then you make

Upload your prescription to 1-800-CONTACTS

Recently I ordered a couple boxes of daily wear contact lenses from 1-800-CONTACTS. So far the process has not been very smooth: Problem 1Ā –Ā all the “order codes” or “coupon codes” I tried, even the codes listed on their own site, failed to work on my order šŸ™ Problem 2 – despite updating my doctor information and submitting a copy of my prescription online, they still had trouble processing my prescription šŸ™ To help expedite the order I planned on re-uploading

Disable Skype Voicemail

I do not care for Skype’s voicemail feature. I much prefer Google Voice or other similar services. Oddly, I have been unable to find a way to disable the voicemail via the Skype app for Android. However, if you login to the site you can disable voicemail at the following page: Woot! šŸ™‚ PS here are a couple screenshots showing voicemail enabled and then DISABLED: Top Search Terms:[keywprd] (1)

Branson’s Nantucket Reviews

Here is a current summary of Branson’s Nantucket reviews on the web (as of OctĀ 2015) Facebook User Reviews of Branson’s NantucketĀ – 4.4 stars out of 5 stars. Google Reviews of Branson’s NantucketĀ –Ā 4.3 stars out of 5 stars 4.3 stars, 8 reviews.   BBB RatingĀ of Branson’s Nantucket:Ā B-Ā on a scale ofĀ of A+ to F Yelp User Reviews of Branson’s NantucketĀ – 3 stars out of 5 stars   Overall combined rating for Branson’s Nantucket, approximately: 4 stars out of 5 stars. Top Search

Slow AutoCAD on Dell M6700 with AMD FirePro [SOLVED]

Step 1. Uninstall all Catalyst Drivers Step 2. Install Dell Catalyst Pro drivers from the AMD site: Drive download Step 3. Make sure hardware acceleration is enabled: AutoCAD knowledge base article   Other links: Top Search Terms:autocad 2014 amd firepro m5100 (1)slow m6700 video (1)

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