Author Archives: J.D. H.

How to backup StarCraft 2!

Reinstalling Windows or building a new PC and don’t want to lose all your installed games and their updates/saves/replays etc.? Here are some tips to help! How to Backup StarCraft 2 SC2 is okay with just a copy/paste from your old Windows install into a new Windows install, however, the following slightly longer process should help make sure that you get all your saves/replays/settings as well as already downloaded updates and maps, all copied over so you’ll be good to

ACPI\TOS620A Unknown Device driver download [solved]

Question. from Laptop Lover: Hello, I have a Toshiba Tecra R10 laptop and I recently installed Windows 7. Almost everything is good, however, after running Windows update I still have ONE unknown device in device manager. It is called ACPI/TOS620A and I do not know what it is or how to get it working. The only other info I have listed is 2&daba3ff&0.  Where can I find the correct driver? Answer. That is the hard drive shock protection feature of your

Why are solar panel prices so low right now? [answers]

Here is one explanation as to why: The PV Module Supply Glut | Renewable Energy News Article module prices have dropped 70% since 2008, when the financial crisis sent demand tumbling, with Chinese multicrystalline silicon module prices currently as low as $1.49 per… Thanks to:   RealSolar at Twitter!/RealSolarAbout · Help · Blog · Status · Jobs · Terms · Privacy · Advertisers · Businesses · Media · Developers…   Green Maven- The Green Search Engine Search – Search over

TOP 10 eBay selling tips updated for 2019

2019.Jan.17 UPDATED! If you are like me, you have some stuff that you never use and that it would be nice to get rid of. If so, then eBay can be a great place to sell your unused stuff so you get some extra cash and someone else gets some productive use out of the item(s)! So, without further ado, here are my top eBay selling tips: #1 Make sure the item is worth selling Not just worth it money wise, but

PV photovoltaic skylights: energy production & UV reduction together

Image source: OnyxSolar, please visit their site below… My long time buddy, and most excellent architect, John Odom forwarded me an interesting email about PV skylights. He tries to keep me abreast of the latest architectural trends and while “BIPV” or Building-integrated photovoltaics has been around for a while, it is DEFINITELY a popular topic today! Here’s a brief intro to the subject of BIPV and its components: Skylights – an integral feature of modern architecture We are probably all familiar with skylights

Where is the location of my VM in VMWare Server 2?! [solved]

Q. Hello, I have a VMWare Server 2 setup that I am trying to administer. I cannot find the folder/directory where the VM (and the .VMX files etc.) are located. Can you help me find the location of the VM? Thx. A. Certainly! I can understand your confusion. The VMWare Server 2 web-based admin interface is much different than the original VMWare Server 1 and the various VMWare Workstation interface. This screenshot will show you the screen that you need

Sample Off the Grid Solar Power Systems and Costs

Going off the grid A friend’s dad is serious about going off the grid and doing it with solar. This man has worked hard for a long time and is ready for a new challenge, I think part of that challenge is to be more self-sufficient and independent. There is definitely something to be said for being self-sufficient. 🙂 I am not going to get into the merits of on-grid vs off-the-grid, but I can say that for particular situations

Antique secretary laptop desk and cool retro PC mod!

I routinely use my laptop setup in my grandma’s vintage secretary. It is a gorgeous piece of furniture. Every time I sit down at it I think fondly of her. The secretary is very functional with its fold out desktop surface. I would eventually like to build (or have built) a slightly larger version that could accommodate a full PC but keep the old-school antique look. 🙂 Curious about what exactly a secretary desk is?! Secretary desk – Wikipedia, the