Author Archives: J.D. H.

Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm Pre-Order & Release Date

Here is a bit of SC2 Heart of the Swarm news and a nice pre-order coupon code! #1 The beta has begun:-) Heart of the Swarm Beta Now Live! – StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm beta test has begun! This multiplayer-only test will initially be limited to a select group of pro-gamers, members of the press, Arcade contest winners,… #2 Pre-Orders are now available! (and coupon code discount) StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm: Video Games by Department

Acer Aspire One AO722/AO725 8GB memory upgrade, recommended RAM? [ANSWER]

Q. I am looking at buying either an Acer Aspire One 722 or 725. Do either the AO722 and AO725 support 8GB of RAM? and if so, what is a memory module that is FOR SURE supported?   –Carly A. Hi Carly, here are answers to both your questions: Yes, the AO722 and AO725 support 8GB of memory! Here is a nice Corsair 8GB memory module that is confirmed to work in the AO722/AO725 and right now it is only about $39.50

Acer Aspire V3-771G Review

Basic specs: Pros: Supports 32GB of RAM! via four available DDR3 memory connectors Supports dual hard drives PLUS an mSATA SSD! Simple access to most components for easy upgrades Fast CPU Fast GPU (for the price) Runs fairly cool Fan isn’t super loud (even under intense use) Nice port selection Cons: Glossy display Very poor vertical viewing angles Speakers distort at high volume and generally don’t sound that good Keyboard is not backlit Trackpad and buttons are merely ‘okay’ Loads

Notebooks app for iPad

This is a page containing miscellaneous links related to the Notebooks app for iPad. It will be added to as I come across more resources/tips/links. 🙂 Notebooks Handbook: Syncing Notebooks using Dropbox “Importing the notes from Dropbox actually is very easy: just set up Dropbox sync in Notebooks on your iPad and then sync from the top level book. This will import all your books and notes from Dropbox. Cheers, Alfons” [End]  

Load balancing two network connections on Windows 7

Commenter Rafael posted a link to this Windows 7 load balancer that he wrote: dextervip/load-balancer · GitHub Simple Load Balancer for Windows 7 This is a script python which works switching network card metrics (see and… It looks cool and when I get some free time I hope to test the load balancing performance  🙂  

Ordering new iPod touch 5th gen, ship date? [ship oct 9th, 2012] [arrival on 12th]

UPDATE 2: the 5th generation iPod touch shipped out on Oct 9th 2012 via FedEx and has an expected arrival date of Oct 15th Oct 12th! (FedEx is ahead of schedule!!!) UPDATE 1: Amazon now has the entire 5th gen iPod touch line available for pre-order. I am considering canceling my Apple pre-order and switch to Amazon because there would be no sales tax in my state. UPDATE 0: the ship times and arrivals mentioned in this article are based

Best small form factor slim PC for less than $500? (late 2012)

With all the lovely ultrabooks and super-powerful phones out there today, is is surprisingly hard to find diminutive-yet-powerful PCs at a reasonable price. We’re talking at least Core i3 and preferably i5, with the capability to have 8GB+ of memory, mSATA + 2.5″ SATA storage options, dual video out (at least Intel HD4000 or faster) and a small footprint. Ideally: under $500 and easily upgradeable with industry standard parts. UPDATE: We ended up purchasing a Dell 660s from Amazon. We also put

Google Analytics and site visitor IP addresses

A buddy sent me an email today saying that he had a bunch of simultaneous visitors to his work’s website today. All the visitors were from Seattle and he wanted to know if they were legit or not. How did he know they were from Seattle? Google Analytics told him so*. I suggested that we reverse DNS their IP addresses to see what their company (or at least their ISP). He told me he didn’t know how to find their