Category Archives: Work

Show SKU in cart and checkout [WooCommerce]

Recently I have been setting up a quote only WooCommerce site. Specifically, the site needs to have SKUs listed and quantity info but not pricing. Here is a method to get SKUs listed throughout the cart/checkout pages: Step 1. Setup child theme Step 2. Copy the templates from /plugins/woocommerce/templates/cart/cart.php and /plugins/woocommerce/templates/checkout/review-order.php to your child theme folder, with the result being similar to this: Step 3. To add SKU to Cart and Checkout (Order Review) Edit your cart.php template, where appropriate add: <?php echo

Troubleshooting a Ruby production application

I am by no means a Ruby expert, but I have been tasked with troubleshooting an existing Ruby application. Specifically some end user DB tasks were failing to save records and the application was throwing a generic error message to the user. By enabling debug logging and viewing the Ruby log file, I was able to see that the application was failing when attempting to send an email confirmation, then it would roll back all the DB changes since the overall

ScanSnap internal error occurred 0x1001 (s300, ix500, etc.) [SOLVED]

Are you getting a ScanSnap internal error occurred 0x1001 error message? After months of trouble free usage when saving to folder, I had that error pop-up 🙁 Thankfully, I did the following steps and everything is back to normal: How to fix the error #1 Try to save to Google Drive or one of the other options and verify that you can complete the save (I was able to save to Google Drive) and this means the scanner is working properly #2